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He popped the question and I said "No!'

It started about five years ago. Joe said, "When I retire, let's get a boat and sail the Caribbean for a year." I immediately said "no way - I'm not leaving for that long." After months and maybe years, he talked me into this.

Some people said I was crazy for not saying "yes" right away and others said, "I would NEVER do that."

Secret's out. I really don't like change. I like where I'm at at any given point, and I've had to be nudged to do a lot in my life. This was a big nudge.

As we prepare to leave in 5 days, I'm mostly concerned about here and not there. I mean, you know what it's like to get ready for a vacation for a week. Well, this is 52 weeks.

My hope for this adventure is that I learn new skills, like how to:

  • Throw a line onto a dock properly (yes, it's very ugly now - I hit a guy in the head this summer.)

  • Hook a mooring ball the first time

  • Dock this 40 foot cat gently

  • Cook meals without running down the street to the grocery store every three days

  • Understand and speak French better than my high school training

  • Use a GoPro without saying "is it on."

  • And much more.

I'm mostly nervous to leave our 14-year-old Goldendoodle, Burton. While I know he's in good hands with Wesley and my sister, Nanette, I will miss him terribly. I'm nervous about looking stupid when I make mistakes on docking, throwing the lines, and trying French.

This photo was taken within minutes after Making Connections arrived in BVI at the Nanny Cay Marina.

We've worked long and hard for this and our smiles reflect that.

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Nov 15, 2021

Your are the bravest EVER! Love you! Have fun. Make lots of memories because you never know when you're going to make a memory...YOLO to the MAX!


Nov 02, 2021

THIS IS THE BEST EVER!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy every moment. Suitably envious as I sit at home with a poorly babe and a picket fence!!!!! Get me back on the ocean ha

sending so much love x


Nov 02, 2021

This is So damn cool!!!!!!!!!!

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